Essay on Yoga day in English | Essay on Yoga day in English 2021

 Yoga day in English

"Yoga day" To the yogi (Yogi) who transcends religion and exists within the same universe of spaces time which holds the nature of the cosmos, a wide array of problems are bound to arise. 

Essay on Yoga day in English

Such a yogi necessarily has a deep understanding of life. Under being both deeply religious and profoundly spiritual, he is not subject to the concept of deception, necessity, or suffering. With his divine energy flowing into and through his life, the yogi effortlessly transcends the limitations of the world and is free of self a contempt. He is the ultimate enlightenment, the leader and guide of the world. 

And yet, as the Bible says, "He may have compassion for the world, but not for the body; and he will be truly known as the man who nurtures both, caring for the world without sacrificing himself." Thus the yogi loves the world, while also knowing and desiring to love God. And he cares for the world while also caring for God. He is a visionary who cares not only for the spiritual and emotional well-being of his loved ones and friends but also for their physical, emotional, and mental welfare. 

The prophet Jesus spoke of the desperate cries of the world's dispossessed. He taught that the vision and insight of the yoga (Yogi) are found in every person who seeks wisdom and truth. To these individuals, spiritual wisdom is defined and explained in simple terms. To these people, the tradition of yoga is revealed to them and its implications are seen in simple narratives of everyday life and moments of ecstasy. To them, yoga is a means to a greater vision, where life is celebrated, peace prevails, life becomes light and joyous, and peace and harmony reign in the heart. 

In India, where the humble story of yoga is often left uncelebrated or misunderstood, there exists an alternative view of yoga. According to this view, it is not a religion, but the essence of life. Instead of being rooted in ignorance, spiritual knowledge, or yoga, it is anchored in knowledge, wisdom, and the sacred beauty of life. For this reason, instead of treating yoga as an erroneous belief or a devotional practice, the yogi would regard it as the source of life, and energy for a life lived in balance with other living beings and the world. Through yoga, one would reach salvation. 

The yoga of the heart 

yoga of the heart

To the yoga who transcends religion and exists within the same universe of spaces time which holds the nature of the cosmos, a wide array of problems are bound to arise. Such a yogi unavoidably has a deep understanding of life. This yogi willingly and unwaveringly meets the challenges of life with peace, hope, joy, and courage. A person who has learned to live in harmony with the higher self and with God has also learned to embody grace and mercy in his life. 

Even though the journey of spiritual growth can be difficult and painful at times, the greater the hardship and the greater the struggle, the greater the elevation of the soul's consciousness. This elevated consciousness is a path of introspection and yoga, a path of prayer and meditation, of deep meditation and acceptance of suffering. A person who has undergone such a path of prayer and meditation and who has developed that spiritual knowledge and wisdom can effortlessly face any challenge of life. And so it becomes a true gift of faith to the yogi to turn the life of his loved ones into a practice of prayer and meditation in which God is met, love is expressed, and liberation is celebrated. In this way, the yogi knows, indeed embraces, the reality of life, of its lack of meaning, its betrayal of joy and peace. 

A true yogi knows not only that there is spiritual wisdom in the world but also the routine of daily life. This wisdom is not "glimmerings" or a desire, but rather the fertile ground of everyday life, of the accomplishments, blessings, and the tragedy of all living creatures. Every human being is worthy of spiritual contemplation. 

The yogi understands the seemingly mundane moments of life. He knows that even the smallest things matter. There is no desire that he needs to fulfill, no work that he does not wish to do for the benefit of those close to him. He knows that his love for his family and friends matters, as does the care he has for his spiritual children and the tenderness he has for all living beings. For him, it is not a mythic journey to the golden city, but a constant process of cultivating a spiritual consciousness through a constant presence of caring and selfless love for others. 

For the yogi, everyday life is a holy process of prayer and meditation. The daily rhythms of breathing, feeling, and thinking act as a channel for spiritual insight.